IT Staff Augmentation

Hire our highly skilled technical talent as an extension of your team

IT Staff Augmentation

The Extra Talent Needed to Achieve Your Business and Project Goals


Having the right-sized team is crucial to any successful project. As the project grows, it is often necessary to add new members to the team. No matter what type of IT project you are working on, you need to leverage the skills of the best professionals in the industry.

VOBLA offers on-demand staff augmentation solutions to extend your IT capabilities. We provide the speed and flexibility your team needs to scale quickly and efficiently. We will bring you the workers with the exact expertise and qualities you require so you can enjoy all the staff augmentation benefits that are intrinsic to this model.

Benefits of Staff Augmentation

Flexibility & Scalability

Staff Augmentation Service provides a flexible workforce that can be easily scaled up or down as needed to add value to your project.

Access to Specialized Skills

Access to a vast pool of highly skilled and experienced professionals that can be quickly deployed to fill specific roles.

Cost Effectiveness

Reduce labor costs, as well as other expenses associated with recruiting and training new employees. No need to set up additional office space, pay for leaves and vacations, health benefits etc.


We rigorously test for technical ability and soft skills in our interview process. Only those engineers who score highly across each of these areas are presented to our clients.

Time Efficiency

We will put our efficient recruitment process to work for your team. We will find the right professionals for every role in short time.

Oversight & Control

Our engineers will quickly integrate themselves into your internal processes, report directly to in-house management, and actively participate in daily meetings and progress reports.

IT Staff Augmentation Services F.A.Q.

What is the difference between Staff Augmentation and Outsourcing?
Staff Augmentation refers to the process of supplementing an organization’s existing workforce with additional resources, typically through the use of contractors or temporary employees. The client retains full managerial control over a project and its team members.Outsourcing, on the other hand, refers to the process of engaging an external development team to carry out a project, which involves a transfer of certain business processes or functions to a third party vendor.
What is a minimal engagement time for the Staff Augmentation services?
While there is no minimum time frame for staff augmentation services, the typical engagement time ranges from 6 to 18 months.
Is it possible to replace a developer if necessary?
Yes, resources can be swapped out when a skill set needs a change, or in rare cases when the fit is not quite right.
What price model do you use?
We charge Time & Materials (hourly), however, in some cases we build in "Not to Exceed" budget limit (fixed price), then work together with the client to prioritize must-haves and nice-to-haves to ensure on-time and on-budget delivery.
How quickly can my team be scaled up?
First, we need to assess your needs and gather information about the skill sets you need and the type of team members you feel will be best fit for your work environment. If we have a strong match, we will present candidates for you to interview. The process moves forward only as fast as it needs to. Typical turnaround time is 2-4 weeks from initial conversation to "first day on the job", though it can vary depending on circumstances.

Ready to augment your team?

Ready to augment your team?